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Deep digging machines

In some cases the soil needs to be tilled at a higher depth. A farmax deep spading machine is the perfect solution for these situations.

Applications of farmax deep spading machines

For the construction of various arable and horticultural purposes it is often necessary to work the soil deeper than usual. Essential nutrients in the form of, for example organic material can be added to the soil with the Farmax deep spaders. This will help the crops grow optimally. It also helps making use much longer of the soil. Crops with a longer growing season such as vines for example really benefit from this process.

Stubborn soil

Types of soil that are too hard of too dense to easily cultivate can hinder the optimal growth of various crops. Dense soil can make it impossible for the roots of the crops to find their way through the soil in search of nutrients and minerals. The drainage of the water can also be obstructed by soil that is too dense. With a Farmax Deep Spader, other types of soil can be added to the soil so that it becomes more workable.

Ideaal for dense soil:

Ideaal for growing fruit and horticulture

Address details

part of Wasse B.V.
Oranjekanaal ZZ 17
9415 PR Hijken

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Info & advice

+31(0)653-428536 - Sale
+31(0)593-524066 - Workspace
+31(0)593-524066 - Warehouse